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Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Shirt Story

Ms. Iris (officemate-friend) commented one morning on my fascination with shirts. She was referring to our “family shirts” worn during special occasions. The most recent were the hashtag shirts for Caehl’s 8th Birthday.

In a brief cursor research,  I found out that in 1920, the word "T-shirt" became an official American-English word in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. They became even more popular in the 1950's after Marlon Brando wore one in A Streetcar Named Desire, finally achieving status as fashionable, stand-alone, outer-wear garments. (Source:

Here are the others:

Christmas 2006 - stripes

Christmas 2007 - rock

2008 – statement shirts

Christmas 2009 – Pilipinas/Pinoy shirts

Dom and Dean’s Birthday 2009 – Yellow

Christmas 2010 –  Purple

Christmas 2011/Ba's Birthday 2012 - green

Caehl’s 7th Birthday 2012 – yellow and green

Christmas 2012 – Ninja Turtles and Glitter, Sparkle and Shine

 USTe shirts

No explanation - shi(r)t happens (^_-)


Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Good Knight's Tale (Tale of The Good Girl's Son)

This blog entry is for my son Caehl Andre Euan who is celebrating his 8th birthday on October 13.

My son can read several languages. Aside from English and Filipino, he can write and understand Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Greek, Italian and French. And everything is self-taught, learned from the Internet.

Like a sponge, Caehl quickly absorbs everything he reads, sees, and watches. At age 3, he already knew how to read and type (yes, type), including his long name. He started with MYX and videoke, reading the lyrics of the songs on TV. His fondness for almanacs and atlases resulted to knowing all the regions of the Philippines, its cities and municipalities; the US map and its states and territories, including state capitals and time zones; the world map, continents, flags and capitals of all countries, and famous landmarks. He knows all dinosaurs like the back of his hand, planets and constellations, and the Table of Elements, too. If there’s one who can pick out constellations from the raindrops on your windshield, it would be Caehl.

He loves puzzles and watching the news and educational programs like Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho and GMA News TV’s documentaries. Proof? Please watch this.

CAEHL’S JOURNEY. When he was four, and he was being screened to enter Nursery, the school directress thought he was just sight-reading. To sight read, she explains, means to read with the aid of images, associations, letters or words one repeatedly sees or is exposed to.

In a previous blog, I wrote that a child may be able to “read” apple or banana because there’s a letter A or B beside it, or Jollibee or McDonald’s, because he is familiar with the logo or the sign, or some Spanish words because of his exposure to Dora the Explorer.

But when the school directress (Teacher Mely) asked Caehl to join him in a room and read a Kindergarten book (which contains only words and no pictures), she told us she was dumping the sight reading theory. “He truly can read,” she declared. She was amazed at how Caehl can read without going through the reading process, citing the aid of sounds or use of syllabication. At a time when kids his age can only read words of up to 3 letters, how did he do that? I don’t know.

A month or so after classes started, the school called our attention. They said Caehl had no eye contact, poor peer social inter-action, and echolalia. So we consulted a developmental pediatrician (which was not easy to do, we discovered as there are only a few in the country). Dra. Malijan, his first DP, recommended that we seek occupational therapy to address behavioral concerns and improve his gross motor skills, fine motor skills, as well as social skills; and speech therapy to address problems in language and communication. 

When he was evaluated at Building Blocks, Teacher Kith said he might have mild ASD/High functioning autism, Asperger Syndrome, or hyperlexia, but those (were) not final findings. The speech-language pathologist said we had to address his expressive language problem, as he has difficulties in expressing himself with words. What I love about Teacher Agnes’s assessment though was her reference to Caehl’s sense of humor. “He picks up subtle hints of humor and jokes, and would laugh heartily.”

Together with the monitoring of his behavior and academic performance in school, Caehl underwent OT (one hour once a week, clinic-based), applied behavior analysis (or ABA, two hours twice a week, home-based) and speech therapy (1 hour once a week). The sessions were expensive but we will forever be grateful to CKLC, Building Blocks (thank you Teachers Ryan, Kith, Jeff, Dana and Jhovy) and Teacher Agnes for all the love and support we got. In 2010, his 2nd DP, Dr. Joel Lazaro ruled out autism but diagnosed him with mixed receptive-expressive language disorder.

People used to tell us “Kawawa naman anak ninyo, ang haba ng pangalan. Baka pag exam, tapos na ang mga kaklase niya, siya nasa pangalan pa lang.” Not true. Hashtag #smh (shaking my head). Ang bilis niya magsulat, promise. Ang ganda pa ng penmanship.

He loves to read the Bible and dictionaries, too. 4Pics1Word and Logo Quiz? Nah – peanuts for him.

He watches basketball games with me, in fact I encourage him to play the sport and try out dancing and outdoor activities. And he knows the titles of my books. Nakikialam pa, sa dami ng mga libro niya hehe

Now he’s into languages. There was a time when he was trying to read the Japanese characters on a truck. We thought he was just making it up. Turned out he really could understand them. He can write and draw the prefectures of Japan. He says he uses Google Translate and YouTube to listen to how the words are pronounced. And he would always tease me for always forgetting how to say Eid al-Fitr and matryoshka properly. Nosebleed.

Ate Cae studied French and German formally but for Caehl, learning languages was just through Google and YouTube. He can also guess the nationality of an actor or a celebrity by listening to his accent. Watching Cupcake Wars with me one afternoon, he remarked, “He is French,” referring to the resident judge Florian Bellanger, an executive French pastry chef.

What I never experienced with Caehl is to tutor or review him in preparation 
for exams – never. He really does not like reviewing but when he has to, he does it on his own, including assignments. So convenient for a working mom like me huh? Yet sometimes I feel weird when I don’t act like other moms who have to rush home and stress themselves out with doing reviewers and mock-up exams for their kids.

“Kanino nagmana?” Those who have known me since grade school would know the answer. I would usually just smile and say, “Sa Papa ko.” Caehl may look a lot like his Dad, but his study habits and comic timing are definitely from me.

Since he loves to share his knowledge with my mom, my youngest sister Lea, Nanay and Ate Doobs, and our neighbors, I asked him if he wants to be a teacher. He said he wants to be a doctor (consistent naman since Nursery). Do you want to study in UST, like Ate Cae? “Sabi ni Nanay (Evelyn), Ateneo daw.”

People who know Caehl and his journey understand his uniqueness. I truly appreciate that they are patient (and generous with their time) answering his questions and listening to his stories, and putting up with his occasional tantrums.

What did we do right? What did we do wrong?  Autism? Genes? Early exposure to books, educational materials, and media? Formula milk? I leave that up to you. There are questions which have no answers. And there are things which we just have to accept and understand. It took us 11 years after Ate Cae before God gave us Caehl. I have always called him “my equalizer.” When God sent him to us, our lives have changed a lot for the better. It was Marie, a schoolmate of mine, who gave the perfect reason. “Perfection takes time,” she said.

If I can completely list everything Caehl knows, I am underestimating my son. He knows more, I am sure, more than I give him credit for. He has a big heart and he is really a good charming boy. I really must have done something good to deserve such blessing.

(Note: I didn’t touch on Caehl’s Lazy Eye Journey, as it deserves its own story.)


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Loyalty is Royalty

One trait that I want to instill in my children (I would like to believe that I am slowly but surely succeeding) and one that will be written on my grave as a trait that I am known for is loyalty. When I die, I want people to remember me as someone whose support has always been complete and constant.

People who know me know that I am loyal – to people, to brands, and to entities who have helped me, shaped me, or in one way or another, touched my life. And people who know me know that they can always count on me and I will defend them up to my last breath – with nothing expected in return.

When I like a brand, I will stick to it and will not switch, unless there’s a major reason for trying or choosing another. My son knows our favorite brands by heart – with our without a list. I think he could even anticipate what I would like or prefer. It doesn't matter if it’s expensive or cheap. There was one time (I think it was during the UST-NU game) when I had to ask him to do the grocery-shopping, and on the list was “1 bottle of bagoong.” Afterwards, he sent an SMS, apologizing because they happened to buy 2 bottles. He said Nanay did not realize he already picked one, and she picked another. Later on, I asked him, “What did you choose?” “The cheaper one,” he said.

As for institutions or business entities, once I get used to it or become familiar with the service and the experience, I will go back and go back   - renewing subscriptions, not changing channels, ordering the same food, requesting for the same server, or buying the same things. Old habits die hard, they say. With my Longchamp bags and my Havaianas collection as proof, need I say more. Add to this - books from the same authors. Kung mabibili ko lang lahat - well, slight :)

My daughter is a loyal friend. I see her helping her friends and being with them through ups and downs, in good times and bad times. She stands up for her friends and I would like to believe that they’d do the same for her.

Caehl is also careful in mentioning Globe's competitor when her Tita is around. When somebody tells him he's smart, he says, "No, I'm Globe."

An officemate of my husband tagged him in a Facebook post/link, wherein he and his other friends made fun of GMA and its reporters. I politely asked him to untag Alex. I wrote, “Perhaps you are not aware that (we) are GMA 7 supporters, and it’s not nice to see this and the comments on his wall. I hope you understand.” Yes, that’s how far I can go.

I am proud to be a die-hard fan, but not a fantard. There is a difference between the two. A fantard, according to, is a combination word of "fan" and "retard". It is usually used to describe (an) over-enthused or hardcore retard fan. Although I can be a person who will take the bullet for someone I love, I know when to accept shortcomings and faults, compromise, let go, and give up useless battles. There are people who are simply troublesome and who just want to create conflicts. Arguing or debating with these people who don’t matter or who don’t make any sense at all will lead to nowhere. So I might as well give it up.

Of course, I love my schools. I am loyal to UST because this is where I found my place under the sun. I love my course and I will forever cherish my college experience. I love UST because my husband and I are Thomasians. We bleed black/white black/gold. And it’s a bonus that my daughter is also a Thomasian. And we can all bleed to death :)

I am loyal to my employer. I love Insular Life. For 17 years, it has helped me become what I am now. And I owe a lot to this Company which has been a blessing to me and to my family for many years.

Nowadays, they say it’s difficult to find a loyal person. “Pera-pera lang yan.” It might sound sad or bad, but it’s true. Loyalty can be bought, or worse, there’s no such thing as loyalty anymore. Loyalty has almost gone extinct.

For me, loyalty is not cheap, it’s expensive. And rare. American industrialist Philip Armour said, “There is one element that is worth its weight in gold and that is loyalty. It will cover a multitude of weaknesses.”

And loyalty is still a good thing – like hope. And no good thing ever dies.


Friday, October 4, 2013


Last 2010, Abi Moreno, a 4th year Broadcast Communication student from UP Diliman who was finishing her thesis about Francis Magalona's death and nationalism, sent a PM through my Multiply account, asking for an interview. 

She wrote, "I stumbled upon your blog while searching for possible respondents. I read your entry on how you've been a fan of Francis M. all the years. I'd love to have you as a respondent for my thesis."

She visited me here in Alabang and we had coffee while I reminisced about FM. I lost touch with Abi, though. I'm sure she's doing great.

My blog entry was a short one, but as a shout-out to FM and Abi, I am posting the link:
