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Monday, December 15, 2014

Always In His Time

“Do you ever wonder why things have to turn out the way they do?”
― Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember

Someone said, "Always ask the questions you want to, life is too short to know if you'll get a second chance to ask..."

Indeed, life is filled with unanswered questions, and I have always been told that I couldn't ever have all the answers. Sometimes, things happen and you ask God why. Why He allowed it to happen, why He didn’t. Why it happened to you. Why you. The answers are not readily given to you. In the meantime, there’s pain. There’s sorrow. You mourn. You are discouraged. You are afraid. You are angry.

People always say that God works in the strangest of ways. He makes all things beautiful in His time. He answers prayers in His time, and His answers always come at the most perfect time. In time, things will unfold right before you and you will understand, and accept. And move on.

When my father died 4 years ago, I asked the same questions. Why, Lord? Why my Papa? We could have spent more years together.

When things didn’t go as I wanted them to be, it was the same. Why, Lord? Why can’t it be? Didn't I pray hard enough? Didn’t I work for it hard enough? I prayed to You earnestly, why didn’t You hear me? Why didn’t I get what I asked for?

True, whatever your questions are, the answers don’t come right away. And meanwhile, you mope around, trying to cope. There’s sadness. There’s depression. There’s anger.

But eventually, the reasons why things happened that way unfurl. Sometimes, you don’t see them immediately. Sometimes, you need to look back and analyze. There is a time for all things, if you didn’t get what you asked for during the time you prayed for it. Sometimes, the answer is no. And there is a reason for that. Some things are just not meant to be, and just not meant for you. There are other things in store for you. Maybe some people are not meant to be in your life, no matter how much you want them to be. God has other plans for you. And then comes understanding. And acceptance. 

If it’s meant to be, it will be. And what’s meant to be will always find a way.

Dear God,
I have tried my best.
But Your plans are better than my dreams.


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