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Friday, April 24, 2015

Use your gift(s) to serve others

1 Peter 4:10
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.

Recently, I came across this bible verse (thanks, Lay). Which led me to thinking, what gift do I have? What gift can I use to be relevant to others? What do I do best that I can share with others?

When I took the Five Love Languages Quiz years ago, I found out that my love language is acts of service. I didn’t know then but I do know now that I am on my best mode when I am doing something for someone, and I love it when I do something for people without being asked or told. 

Yet, this is somehow perplexing. I am a writer and I say it best through words. Sometimes, my actions do not speak for what I truly feel, or what I truly want. Or what I really want to say. Sometimes what you see is not what you get from me. I am an unusual creature. Most of the time, I show my love through other means. Sometimes, I express it through silence. Or by doing things silently. You don’t have to tell me what to do. It’s already done. My boss once told me that I am a silent worker. I do not brag about the things I do or have done, they're just done. You don’t have to say you need me. I’m already there. Which is often misinterpreted by people as indifference. Even my own daughter says I don’t show that I care. I do. I care a lot. It’s just that I show it in my own different way.

People do not believe that I am an introvert and shy person. True, I have always been shy. And reserved. But that’s not how people see me. I think this is something that only my father knew. On stage, I can be the ultimate emcee. And I can write loudly, if you know what I mean. Well, close friends would never describe me as quiet. But in bad times, and you need someone who can and who will listen to you, I can be the best person to be with. If you want my opinion, I can readily give it to you. But if you hate unsolicited advice, it’s fine. I am comfortable in silence and I can just sit beside you, just hearing you out. 

If you need cheering up, it’s fine by me, too. People often tell me sumasakit ang panga nila sa akin. Randy would say, “Bangag ka ba?” Friends tell me I always have a punchline, and I can cull out a joke from just anything. And that my laughter is contagious. From our President, MBO: Pam, I will miss your quips. I treat each and every emceeing or hosting job differently. Each job is special. Oo naman, kinakabahan pa rin ako each time. And I always give my 100% - be it a small stint, or a major one. Because it’s what I do best. Or at least I would like to think so. Making people laugh, entertaining them – be it on stage or through my writings - is something I want to do for the rest of my life. And if it is my way of serving others, then I am okay with that.


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