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Friday, May 13, 2016

Making peace with the past (Find the good and embrace the lessons)

“When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.”

I realized that a year ago, there were things happening in my life all at once. Some doors were closing, while new ones are opening. People were leaving, and some were just arriving. Decisions were being made, and some actions were being regretted. At that time, I was clueless on what would happen from then on. I didn’t know the implications or the consequences of those decisions and actions.

They said when you let go of things that don’t belong in your life, you make room for the ones that do, and you create space for something better. But during that time, I didn’t know that. My only thought was I was losing something. I was trying to hold on, but I didn’t know that letting go was the only way and the best way to go. I was chasing the wrong things. I didn’t know that something else, something better was in store for me. That greater things were bound to happen. That I would be happier.

Afterwards, when I was starting to realize that, I kept on thanking Him, amazed at how mysterious His ways really are. I kept on apologizing for not trusting Him, and for doubting His love for me. He was not answering my prayers. But in truth, He was indeed answering my prayers by saying ‘no’, by not giving in. He didn’t give me what I want, because it was not for me, and it was not best for me. I was about to receive more, to be blessed with more than I deserved.

Indeed, everything that happens in our life has a reason. Whatever it is, and whether we have already realized its purpose or not, let us always find the good (in it) and embrace the lessons. Learn from our mistakes, forgive ourselves for our failures and for the wrong things we’ve done, move forward, and accept that some things are not meant for us, and some things are not meant to be. Make peace with the past, make peace with yourself, and make peace with the people whom you have hurt or who might have hurt you. Give thanks. And be open to changes. God’s plans are always bigger than ours. We just have to let go, and leave it to Him.


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